Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Dear Bloggers and Unionists

We are trying our very best that out of all this mayhem that this nation will learn the lesson that this nation is governed by lawful entities and persons who have the mandate of the people.
Governed of the people by the people for the people.
We must learn the hard lesson that military coups and dictorships will get nowhere in the long run. You cannot just take away peoples pay just like that and expect them to support you the next day. You cannot keep lying to unions and expect them to keep quiet all the time.
We must show this nation for all times the power of the people in nation building.

If it has to come at a cost then so be it.People will be killled, thrown into jail, made to run around with no clothes etc. But the fight must go on.

We must all stand at this moment in time to witness and to be part of this great political evolution.

In God we trust. In God we stand.

Keep our heads held up high and say c’mon gloomy day lets thrash it out. There is no room for negativity in this process. We must keep raising the flag of freedom and liberties.

Thank you so much Taniela Tabu. You will go down in the history books of Fiji as a Union leader who is willing to die for his members and his high calling.

You are a hero for our children and our children’s children for someone who stood for our rights.
Vinaka vakalevu Cicero.

Thanks Cicero for your wonderful letter. I am reminded of our Lord's battle leading to his crucifxion. He was bruised, tortured, taunted, made a mockery, whipped 39 times with whips tipped with sharpened bones and iron hooks and nails that ripped into his flesh and tore chunks of his flesh off his body. Even on the cross, the spear pierced his side. Nails smahed his hands and feet, gaping holes in his skull from the crown of thorns. He did not lift a finger, He did not fight back. He had the power to summon the hosts of heaven to destroy His enemies but like a lamb led to the slaughter, He paid the ULTIMATE PRICE!Thats why you and me are no longer stark naked ravaging cannibals! He gave us a new life.But he did it without fighting back!

THE BATTLE IS ALREADY WON! All you and I have to do is to go in PEACE and take what belongs to us! NO VIOLENCE! Let them be violent towards us......WE WILL WALK ON, STRIKE ON, MARCH ON in PEACE!

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